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Invitation  Message from president

Dear Colleagues,

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Airway Vista 2016 (Symposium of Airway Diseases) to be held on March 26[Sat] - 27[Sun], 2016 at the Asan Medical Center in Seoul, Korea. The Airway Vista has been held annually since 2008 and is sup-ported by Obstructive Lung Disease Research Foundation, Korea. This academic event is designed to offer respiratory health professionals’ new horizons in their understanding of COPD and asthma. The scientific program offers a rewarding combination of invited speakers’ lectures, workshops for nursing, nutrition, spirometry, and rehabilitation specialists, and poster presentations on numerous topics. We cordially invite you to join us for this thought-provoking event during which everyone can explore and advance their clinical and research expertise concerning the pathogenesis, evaluation, imaging, systemic aspects, exacerbation, heterogeneity, and new treatments of these ailments. We would also like to invite you to submit abstracts for poster presentations. The recent interesting works of yours could be shared with other colleagues at the conference. We look forward to sharing many intellectual rewards and cordial experiences with you during the Airway Vista Symposium of 2016.

Best wishes,Sang-Do Lee


Sang-Do Lee, M.D., Ph.D.

Chairman, Organizing Committee for Airway Vista 2016
Head,Obstructive Lung Diseases Research Foundation
Professor, Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Vice President & Chief Medical Officer
Asan Medical Center; University of Ulsan College of Medicine
88, Olympic-ro, 43 Gil,Songpa-gu, Seoul (Zip 05505), South Korea

Phone: +82-2-3010-3140   Fax: +82-2-3010-4650
E-mail : sdlee@amc.seoul.kr